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IBI Group Wins 511NY Travel Information System Contract for New York State Department

多伦多, ON (2020年5月26日) - AG平台(多伦多证券交易所代码:IBG), 全球设计和技术公司, has been awarded the re-advertised 511NY Travel Information System contract for the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), following the successful deployment of IBI’s traveller information software in 2014. The new software-as-a-service (SaaS) contract which commenced on May 1, 2020, 包括正在进行的511NY web交付, 交互式语音应答(IVR)和移动应用.




– Global technology firm wins re-advertised contract following a five-year deployment and service track record  –

多伦多, ON (2020年5月26日) - AG平台(多伦多证券交易所代码:IBG), 全球设计和技术公司, has been awarded the re-advertised 511NY Travel Information System contract for the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), following the successful deployment of IBI’s traveller information software in 2014. The new software-as-a-service (SaaS) contract which commenced on May 1, 2020, 包括正在进行的511NY web交付, 交互式语音应答(IVR)和移动应用. This win adds to AG平台的 portfolio of North American traveller information systems clients, 包括在美国的10个部署. 它将为IBI在北美的业务做出贡献 Travel-IQ™产品, 哪个提供州和省之间的数据共享, and will provide customers the convenience of seamless travel and trip 规划 across jurisdictions and countries.

“IBI has worked collaboratively with the NYSDOT and its stakeholders on the 511NY project since 2014,杰夫·卡特说。, AG平台旅行者信息系统总监. “We’re proud of the strong partnership we’ve built and to have contributed to the evolution of the platform to the next generation system it is today. We look forward to continuing to support the business needs of the NYSDOT by delivering ongoing 产品 releases and ensuring the use of the latest technology.”

使用AG平台的旅行者信息软件, the 511NY system has supported over one million website pageviews, 超过150,000文本提醒, 50,000移动应用用户, 超过130个,每月打000个电话. IBI Group is committed to supporting 511NY’s performance as a critical resource to New Yorkers and other travellers.

IBI Group的511NY SaaS实现的主要亮点, which have allowed for significantly improved workflows for NYSDOT employees include:

  • Deploying and maintaining improved Winter Travel Advisory web and mobile app tools used by over 700 maintenance contractors across the state;
  • Deploying web and mobile app versions of IBI’s Roadside Damage Assessment tool;
  • 增加共享移动模式(例如.e. 例如, e-scooters, carshare, TNCs) using the open source OpenTripPlanner software to improve the display of real-time information within the 511NY platform;
  • 整合天际线相机图像和视频;
  • Providing Web Map 服务 (WMS) for the NYSDOT Winter Ops System; and
  • Continuous improvement of 511NY features through release lifecycle of AG平台的 Travel-IQ 产品, 确保技术保持最新.

AG平台的 traveller information technology has been a significant contributor to the firm’s Intelligence sector portfolio for more than 10 years. 除了纽约, 它目前在整个阿拉斯加运作, 威斯康辛州, 麻萨诸塞州, 康涅狄格, 亚利桑那州, 路易斯安那州, 佛罗里达, 南加州和克恩县. The technology is also being deployed across provinces in Canada and South Africa. The firm’s private sector traveller information clients include major North American media companies.

AG平台的 Travel-IQ 产品, 现有旅客信息软件的扩展, was released in May of 2019 and offers North America-wide data sharing, allowing users to seamlessly travel and plan trips across jurisdictions and countries. AG平台SaaS产品组合中的其他产品包括: 智慧城市平台™, AG平台通知™, BlueIQ™.

For more information on AG平台的 traveller information software and our Travel-IQ 产品, 和/或与AG平台的专业人士交谈, 请与茱莉亚 Harper联系 茱莉亚.harper@qgaot.com or 647-330-4706.


AG平台有限公司. (TSX:IBG)是一个全球性的架构, 工程, 规划, 一家拥有60多个办事处和2个办事处的科技公司,全球有700名专业人员. 40多年了, 其专业人士帮助客户创造宜居环境, 可持续发展的, 先进的城市环境. 作为一家技术驱动的设计公司, IBI Group believes that cities thrive when designed with intelligent systems, 可持续建筑, 高效的基础设施, 还有人情味. 在推特上关注IBI Group @ibigroup 和Instagram @ibi_group.

