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Urban 教育s: K-12 in the Downtown Core

The population living in many downtown cores has skyrocketed in the last couple decades, but it’s only recently that we have seen a large uptick in the number of families living downtown. 正因为如此, many downtowns are now facing a shortage of schools for all the new children at the heart of urban living. 在温哥华,...

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The population living in many downtown cores has skyrocketed in the last couple decades, but it’s only recently that we have seen a large uptick in the number of families living downtown. 正因为如此, many downtowns are now facing a shortage of schools for all the new children at the heart of urban living. 在温哥华,已经发生了 增长134% in the number of children living in Vancouver’s downtown neighbourhoods from 2001 to 2011, according to UBC sociology professor Nathanael Lauster. To accommodate some of this growth, the Vancouver School Board recently completed work on it’s 市区第一所新学校 十多年来, 穿越市区的小学

我们如何设计 市中心的K-12学校?

学校董事会不太可能坚持下去, 或者能够购买, parcels of land in pricey urban neighbourhoods. The site of Crosstown is an existing underground parkade; they have no sole ownership of the land itself, only the rights to build the project above it. School boards and architects must find solutions that integrate schools with higher density projects. 这可以采取多种形式, either on under-utilized land (like that above a parkade), or integrated into a high-rise tower as a 垂直的学校就像多伦多最近考虑的那样.

Recreation space also needs to be rethought. Sprawling fields are not a viable option in a high-density neighbourhood. 克罗斯敦的项目转移了 娱乐空间到屋顶, while recess occurs across the street at a public park. 规划 schools to integrate with existing public parks and plazas allows for better utilization of existing spaces.

试验 教室设计 is also key to building downtown schools within different spaces. A project manager with the Vancouver School Board 描述过程 of an urban school as “going to be all about flexibility … one of the hard things, to think about how to create a community going up, 不出门.” What other innovations in school design will arise from this growing need for downtown classrooms?


图片由 Yannik温克 on Unsplash
