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虚拟现实(VR)作为一个概念自20世纪50年代以来一直存在, but it is only recently that computing power has reached the point where it can deliver a convincing experience. 首先由Oculus Rift VR头显普及, 以及谷歌等科技巨头的投资, 微软, 脸谱网, 和三星, 消费级产品...




虚拟现实(VR)作为一个概念自20世纪50年代以来一直存在, but it is only recently that computing power has reached the point where it can deliver a convincing experience. 首先由Oculus Rift VR头显普及, 以及谷歌等科技巨头的投资, 微软, 脸谱网, 和三星, 消费级产品现在很容易买到, rapidly transforming VR from a niche technical hobby into an easily accessible medium.

这是什么意思? 建筑师和设计师?

作为建筑师, we’ve long understood the value of working in three dimensions; designing only in plan is a common criticism of architectural students. Software tools such as SketchUp and Revit have enabled architects to design more efficiently in 3D, and visualisation tools such as 3D Studio MAX and V-Ray allow us to see the spaces we design before the contractor even sets foot on site. 直到建筑建成,建筑师才有机会去体验他们的空间, relying on extensive experience to understand how those spaces will eventually feel. VR弥合了设计模型和最终建造空间之间的差距, 允许建筑师体验他们的空间并做出改变, 在昂贵的建筑工程开始之前.

虚拟现实不太可能从根本上改变建筑师自己的工作方式, in much the same way that CAD – and to a lesser extent BIM – haven’t changed what we do at the fundamental level; VR is just another tool in our arsenal. 只有在客户参与的舞台上,VR才能真正发挥作用. Most clients struggle to interpret architectural plans and even traditional 3D visualisations may not fully convey the nuances of a space. VR可以将我们的客户置于我们的设计中, providing us with instant feedback about whether or not those spaces are working as intended. For the healthcare and hospitality markets where the creation of full-scale room mock-ups is common practice, VR可以规避, 或者至少是最小化, this requirement by replacing the full-scale mock-up with a virtual room to test.

At present, VR is mostly about visual perception, with some providing auditory simulation as well. 随着软件和硬件的进步, the VR experience could become more tactile; the introduction of haptic feedback devices will allow a user to feel the virtual objects they’re touching. Perhaps even the remaining senses, smell and taste, will eventually have VR equivalents.

随着虚拟现实获得广泛的公众认可, there may even come a time when architects are required to design completely virtual environments. Freed from the constraints of physics and budgets our imaginations can run wild and then what worlds will we create? 天空不再是极限.

AG平台刚刚开始其VR之旅. Earlier this year a task force was created to investigate how we can use VR effectively in our design processes and the conclusions of this work were recently published. The Global Visualisation 服务 team are taking the lead in implementing their recommendations. 广泛的试验 360°的图片 have been undertaken and the team is now investigating the hardware and software tools required for creating VR Presentation Suites across IBI Group, 从Revit和SketchUp中得到了非常有希望的早期结果.

VR technologies offer both an exciting opportunity for early design investigation and a powerful client presentation tool. Our aspiration is to be at the forefront in the application of these technologies for design and for them to be in widespread use across IBI Group within the next 12 months.


图像中 Pexels 通过Pixabay

The rising expectations of clients with respect to 3D visualisations is driving significantly improved workflow technology. Photo-realistic visualisations currently offer the best impression of our intended designs, 但仍然是一种基本的服务. Even animated ’walk-throughs’ offer only a slightly less rigidly defined experience whilst proving a heavy drain on resource.

然而,使用 BIM模型 现在正在为VR的实施创造基础, 使我们能够进入客户交互和演示的下一个阶段. VR also provides the possibility of significant cost savings through the productivity benefits that can arise from enhanced client understanding and speedier approval processes.

与西北部的一个医疗保健客户合作, IBI is experimenting with 360˚ imagery and VR headsets to improve and enhance visual appreciation through a 更沉浸式的体验. This approach has accelerated the client team’s understanding of our design proposals and feedback has been very positive – the client being more confident in decision making as well as more excited by the proposed solution.


引线图像 StockSnap 通过Pixabay




写的 马特Clementson
